Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The First of Many

Our sweet baby girl spoke her very first words yesterday morning sitting in her high chair! She has been really listening to our voices and watching our mouths A LOT lately and sure enough


materialized yesterday from her precious lips. I found myself a little teary-eyed as I recorded this special moment down in her baby book! Time passes so quickly (can I get an AMEN), and I know that the next time I turn around I will probably be recording her first sentence!!! Oh my heavens, tissue please!! I pray that I will savor these moments, that they would be engraved on my heart to remember for as long as I live...How blessed am I that our Lord would find me capable to care for not one, but now two of his most precious little ones. My cup runneth over...

May I choose daily to use my words to bring HIM glory and honor.


Unknown said...

Thanks for all the updates. We love them. Keep 'em coming!!!!!!


Amanda said...

Awww, how sweet! She's getting so big so fast!

Anonymous said...

Just to cute! I hope her booboo's feel better.