Saturday, January 17, 2009

Great is thy Faithfulness...

Please join me in praying for my blog friend Kelly Stamps, her husband Scott and their newborn daughter Harper. After struggling with infertility for several years, Kelly became pregnant on her own and has been anxiously awaiting the birth of their daughter.

Harper Brown Stamps was born yesterday at 7:03 PM weighing 9 lbs. and 12 oz, however she was rushed to the NICU for heart and respiratory problems shortly after birth. The prognosis was very grim last night as the doctor did not give them much hope due to the fact that Harper's heart and lungs were filled with fluid. Harper was flown to St. Francis Children's Hospital in Tulsa Oklahoma shortly after midnight last night/early this morning and since then has made significant improvements! Her sweet family continues to give God all the glory for this quick turn of if you feel the spirit move you, please lift up their names to the Lord's ear this evening! He is faithful, I believe God's will will never move us outside of His grace...

If you'd like to read more about Kelly, Scott and baby Harper you can click HERE to visit her blog!

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