Friday, November 7, 2008

Fun favorite things

Being a Mommy of 2, I have become quite the stain removal Queen! If I do say so myself :) Cade's shirts are still pretty messy at the end of the day and Gracyn, well let's just say feeding yourself EVEN WITH A BIB ON gets the necklines and sleeves of her shirts pretty dingy! I never worry one second though because when I have this in hand....
it's all good. I think I'm going to start throwing in a bottle of Zout in all of my new mommy gift bags. It has consistently taken out everything I have sprayed it on from dirt, grass, orange Cheetos mess, carrots, peas, blueberry juice, poop stains (just keepin' it real folks), and lipstick smears. The one laundry item I can't live without is my bottle of Zout!

Speaking of Laundry Room, check out the tweaks I've made in our laundry room! A curtain to hide my hideous black plugs and electrical outlets (thank you Mom for sewing my idea into life),
a new 'HOME' sign above our shabby chic memo board,
and a little shadow box, I put together.
The shadow box is to remind me WHY I do all oodles and oodles of laundry every week, day in day out. For the two little people who once fit into this teeny-tiny hospital brand t-shirt. I kept both of the kids first shirts that they wore right after they were born. Cade's is from the hospital in North Carolina and Gracyn's even has a stain left on the back from where she blew out her very first diaper !!!(I hadn't been introduced to Zout then)

Instead of dreading setting foot into this room now, I L-O-V-E going in to see this precious shadow box.

I am TRULY blessed...laundry and all.


Rebecca said...

I will have to try Zout. I love the baby oxi, but it is so hard to find. I will look when I go shopping for the Zout! Thanks for sharing your help! Maybe if I dress up my laundry room I won't dread it so much.

Amanda said...

I'll have to try Zout, too. I use the oxi baby, but there are a couple things it hasn't gotten out. Thanks for the suggestion! Oh, and I LOVE your laundry room - too precious!

Ali said...

What a beautiful laundry room. It is so gorgeous! I love the idea of the curtain to hide the cords. Super fab! :)